mandag 27. juli 2009


I have just played one o the fucking best jams in my life.
Lisbeth Dreier Denmark (perc), Maria Trudel Canada, MArie Claire Dunnard Canada, And Suzanne Denmark let me play a jam with them. They played keys, drums and kongas. I played the bass. It was fucking awsome! They`r like profesional established musicians. Ive never played any jams on bass before. 
And they thought I played well! And I must say so, I thought so myself.
Im so new to this compared to them, playing with them was such a privilige and so much fun! I got a little scared when they asked me, but I thought I will never have an opportunity like this again. I feel like I`ve expanded my ideas on have to play the bass, so many new ideas for how to play it. I love the bass, I love my fucking instrument.  Gonna go for the big fat lady in some time!
Theres so much to try out, I had to try. And Im so glad I did. Cant wait to here the recording. I`m glad I came here. The sound was so awsome, so big, so wonderful. Im amazed. Dont know how to express myself about it. It was just wonderful. I wish every day of my life will be like this!

fredag 24. juli 2009

Back in black.-* or red...

was gonna blog all the time this last year.
One of these things that just did`nt happen.
But now, O yes, regulary blog posts all the time. Foo shoo
O jea

So let me tell you bout when I met Chantal Willie in Tronheim a couple o days ago!Wow! I met a person who I feel already has changed my life. Sitting here in my room now I`m afraid this kickstart energy will go away.That all this positive energy and believe will disappear. Stick Stick Stick! Chantal Willie, a wonderful woman and baseplayer just sat down and talked to me. Really took time to talk to me and get to know about me. Shes so amazing, I have this encredible sense of honour for her. We where talking and she asked me the fatal question if my family is excited for me going to Liverpool. I was trying to talk about my mother and her positivity and keep the whole thing bottled up, but couldnt control this one. 
So I ended up crying about the whole deal with my father. I got so embaressed, I still am. But I`m glad to have talked to her this way, I cant describe it, its just the way she is. Such a wonderful warm person, spreading her love and her energy. So inspiring.  Thats how I want to be. Strong, joyful, warm and full of believe for myself. To be able to give to others what she gave to me know, only with a few minutes of conversation. She told me that she has belief for me, to keep fighting. To play for joy, not for fame. I want to keep this feeling. This belief.
I`m gonna keep it! Bring it into my  everyday, Be full of love, keep on practising and lead the fullest of lives. Be the best at being myself. Because thats what I want people. To live full out. And not just the easy stuff.
Like working with the elders at the elders home now. To be strong and warm and caring. Thats how I want to be. I will be there for my family, friends and the people that I meet. I will learn form them and they will learn from me. Chantal, thank you. For your time. I just want to be her apprentice, follow her around and learn from her. Both bass and life. She got my mail, and hopefully we`ll keep in touch. I cant describe the way she is, but I want to hear more from here. She`s like wonderful female rolemodel that I wanted in my life.
Gotta go know. Gonna play bass with Chantal and some South Africans and learn from them!
